Friday 4 October 2013

Youth Cultures

Youth cultures are formed from a specific dress code/ fashion, music influences, rebellion again what society deems 'the norm', having a collective identity with in this group and being marginalised and misunderstood. The word teenager falls into and means a constructed social group. This word teenager could have been created by marketers to seel products to this specific group of young people.

Ketley theory 2007- "Among young people themselves, a wide range of colourful labels such as "Goths, Skaters, Greebos and Surfers" are often used to make distinctions between the behaviours of specific frienship groups"

Critera for their to be a youth culture include:
  • dress code
  • music influences
  • expression
  • being marginalised
  • having an opinionated leader
  • literature- fan magazine and fan websites
  • fitting into a group but then also being an outsider.
Collective identity is the self that finds its solidarity with others who are similar.
Mediated, this is how the media influences and portrays social groups and the influence this has on their identity.
"We" media means that the marginalised social groups
have often used media as a way of forgiving theirown collective identity.
Prosumers are producers and consumers, we consume and distribute- due to the proliferation of technology.

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