Tuesday 3 December 2013

Tanya Byron's 'pestilent children' article

Tanya Byron wrote an article called 'Pestilent Children' which highlighted the way the older generations view young people. She expresses her belief that in today's society, because of damaging views from the older generation there has been an increase in ephebiphobia (the fear of youth).

In her first paragraphs she quotes from a 6000 year old tomb, which describes its youth as 'rude and impatient'. She also quotes Plato, he describes, "They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying." And finally she quotes she quotes Peter the Hermit from AD 1274, "They young people of today think of nothing but theselves. They have no reference for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint", he then goes on to comment specifically about girls, "they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress". Byron explains, 'such quotes illustrate what i believe has become historically nurtured and culturally damaging phenomenon'. She goes on to say that 'today this problem is worse than ever'.

She explains that the distorted perception of young people has created a self fulfilling prophecy among our youth. She explains that the young people of today are feared because of the actions of a minority group who are 'violent, aggressive and anti social'.

She explains how we can turn this around. She believes that 'schools need to support and resources to individualise teaching'. She explains that at Edge Hill University, they help to broaden young peoples personal and academic horizons. She then goes on to say that 'many universities lack robust student diversity and so do not allow themselves to benefit from young people who bring varied life experiences to their student population'.

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