Tuesday 3 December 2013

Tanya Byron's 'pestilent children' article

Tanya Byron wrote an article called 'Pestilent Children' which highlighted the way the older generations view young people. She expresses her belief that in today's society, because of damaging views from the older generation there has been an increase in ephebiphobia (the fear of youth).

In her first paragraphs she quotes from a 6000 year old tomb, which describes its youth as 'rude and impatient'. She also quotes Plato, he describes, "They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying." And finally she quotes she quotes Peter the Hermit from AD 1274, "They young people of today think of nothing but theselves. They have no reference for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint", he then goes on to comment specifically about girls, "they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress". Byron explains, 'such quotes illustrate what i believe has become historically nurtured and culturally damaging phenomenon'. She goes on to say that 'today this problem is worse than ever'.

She explains that the distorted perception of young people has created a self fulfilling prophecy among our youth. She explains that the young people of today are feared because of the actions of a minority group who are 'violent, aggressive and anti social'.

She explains how we can turn this around. She believes that 'schools need to support and resources to individualise teaching'. She explains that at Edge Hill University, they help to broaden young peoples personal and academic horizons. She then goes on to say that 'many universities lack robust student diversity and so do not allow themselves to benefit from young people who bring varied life experiences to their student population'.

Enigma costume evaluation second location

Monday 14 October 2013

Problems then solutions

Our problem was that the warehouse that we are filming at declined our request to throw the powder paint around their car park. Alice then got in touch with county council and they delined our request as well.
Luckily, I have grandparents that own a huge space of land. I asked them on Friday and they had to have a discussion with each other before they gave ma an answer. They got back to me on October, 13th and they agreed to ou rrequest if we can make sure that the paint will not stain the grass.

Friday 4 October 2013

Youth Cultures

Youth cultures are formed from a specific dress code/ fashion, music influences, rebellion again what society deems 'the norm', having a collective identity with in this group and being marginalised and misunderstood. The word teenager falls into and means a constructed social group. This word teenager could have been created by marketers to seel products to this specific group of young people.

Ketley theory 2007- "Among young people themselves, a wide range of colourful labels such as "Goths, Skaters, Greebos and Surfers" are often used to make distinctions between the behaviours of specific frienship groups"

Critera for their to be a youth culture include:
  • dress code
  • music influences
  • expression
  • being marginalised
  • having an opinionated leader
  • literature- fan magazine and fan websites
  • fitting into a group but then also being an outsider.
Collective identity is the self that finds its solidarity with others who are similar.
Mediated, this is how the media influences and portrays social groups and the influence this has on their identity.
"We" media means that the marginalised social groups
have often used media as a way of forgiving theirown collective identity.
Prosumers are producers and consumers, we consume and distribute- due to the proliferation of technology.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Look what arrived!- Powderpaint

Look what arrived! We have officially recieved our powder paint that we will use in our music video.
All we have to do is throw, film and have fun with this!

There are 2.5kg in each tub of powderpaint. We are almost ready to film the band fighting with this substance.

Friday 27 September 2013

Music video- first look

This is the first look at what me and Alice will be doing for the music video.

0:00- 0:06
Wide shot of a car, and then close up shots of each band member.

0:07- 0:18
Band members 1, 2, 3, 4 and then all X2

0:19- 0:25
Close up of the guitar, then follow beat with other shots (not decided yet)

0:26 -0:30
Close up of Ryan singing, lips, face and mic

0:31- 0:33
Close up of the drummer (drummer yet to be confirmed)

0:34- 0:37
Mid shot of all band members

0:38- 0:41
Flicky transitions between band members

0:42- 0:43
Close up shot of the drummer

0:44- 0:47
James main focus

0:48- 0:49
Drummer again, different shot from 0:42- 0:43

0:50- 0:54
Jack main focus

0:55- 1:00
Ryan singing

1:01- 1:05
Pan around the band members on stage performing

1:06- 1:08
Powder paint close up of Ryan

1:09- 1:10
Close up of the band

1:11- 1:12
Powder paint close up of James

1:13- 1:17
James, bass

1:18- 1:23
Ryan in focus

1:24- 1:26
Powder paint close up of drummer

1:27- 1:29
Jack focus

1:30- 1:34
Ryan singing

1:35- 1:36
Powder paint close up shot of Jack

1:37- 1:39
James focus

1:40- 1:41

1:42- 1:46
All the and members

1:47- 1:57
Powder paint fight and other shots added in.